IELTS, сдавайся! - Примеры текстов и заданий на экзамене IELTS Reading

Уровень IELTS General Training:


Раздел 1 – Social Survival


Здесь вы встретите простые тексты из повседневной жизни. Обычно это рекламные тексты, брошюры, примечания, руководства и т.п.


Пример текста (Advertisement):


Local Fitness Club – Join Today! Looking for a way to stay fit? Join our fitness club and enjoy:

  • 24/7 access to state-of-the-art gym equipment
  • Group fitness classes (yoga, pilates, spinning, etc.)
  • Personal trainers available for one-on-one sessions
    Sign up before October 31st to receive a 20% discount on your first three months!
    Contact us at
    (555) 123-4567 or visit our website at
    Special Offer for Families: Get 50% off for every family member who joins with you!

Пример вопроса:

What discount is available if you sign up before October 31st?

a) 50% off for families
b) 20% off the first three months
c) Free access to fitness classes

Правильный ответ: b


Раздел 2 – Workplace Survival


Здесь вам встретятся тексты на тему работы, инструкции, учебные материалы и т.п.


Пример текста (Workplace Policy):


Employee Internet Usage Policy


All employees are required to adhere to the following guidelines when using the company’s internet facilities:

  • Internet access is provided for work-related activities only.
  • Personal use of the internet during working hours is prohibited, except during designated break times.
  • Any downloads must be approved by IT management. Failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

Пример вопроса:

When can employees use the internet for personal reasons?

a) During working hours
b) During break times
c) With IT approval

Правильный ответ: b


Раздел 3 – General Reading


Здесь вы можете встретить тексты их журналов, сочинений и т.п. на тему общих интересов вроде здоровья, истории, путешествий, науки и т.п.


Пример текста (Magazine Article):


The Benefits of Walking


Walking is one of the easiest and most effective forms of exercise. It not only helps to improve cardiovascular health but also reduces stress and improves mood. Recent studies show that walking for just 30 minutes a day can significantly lower the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Additionally, walking can be a social activity, allowing people to enjoy time outdoors with friends or family. Whether it's in the park or around the neighborhood, walking offers numerous health benefits with minimal effort.


Пример вопроса:

What is one health benefit of walking, according to the article?

a) It helps people sleep better.
b) It lowers the risk of heart disease.
c) It increases strength quickly.

Правильный ответ: b


Уровень IELTS Aademic:


Здесь вам могут быть предложены тексты из профессиональных журналов, книг или газет на темы науки, истории, обществоведения или технологий.


Пример 1: Scientific Article

The Importance of Bees in Pollination


Bees play a crucial role in pollination, which is the process of transferring pollen from the male part of a flower (the anther) to the female part (the stigma). This allows plants to reproduce. In fact, nearly 75% of the world’s flowering plants rely on pollinators like bees. Without bees, many fruits, nuts, and vegetables would struggle to reproduce, potentially leading to a dramatic decline in food production. Bees not only pollinate crops but also contribute to the health of ecosystems by aiding in the reproduction of wild plants. Unfortunately, bee populations have been declining in recent years due to habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change. Conservation efforts are urgently needed to protect these vital pollinators.


Пример вопроса:

Why are bees important for ecosystems?

a) They produce honey.
b) They help wild plants reproduce.
c) They prevent habitat loss.

Правильный ответ: b


Пример 2: Historical Passage

The Rise of the
Roman Empire

The Roman Empire, one of the greatest civilizations in history, began with the expansion of Rome in the 1st century BCE. Through military conquest and strategic alliances, Rome grew from a small city-state into a powerful empire controlling much of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. The empire’s success was largely due to its advanced infrastructure, including roads, aqueducts, and military outposts, which allowed for efficient administration and defense. However, the empire was also known for its complex political system and cultural achievements, such as Roman law, which became the foundation for many modern legal systems. Despite its strengths, the empire eventually fell in 476 CE, primarily due to internal conflicts and invasions by barbarian tribes.

Пример вопроса:

What contributed to the efficient administration of the Roman Empire?

a) Military conquests
b) Political alliances
c) Advanced infrastructure

Правильный ответ: c


Пример 3: Social Science Passage

The Impact of Urbanization on Mental Health

Urbanization, the process of people moving from rural areas to cities, has been a defining trend of the 21st century. While cities offer better employment opportunities, healthcare, and education, they can also negatively affect mental health. Studies show that individuals living in urban areas are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and stress compared to those living in rural environments. This may be due to factors like overcrowding, noise pollution, and lack of green spaces. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of city life can create a sense of isolation and social pressure. As urban populations continue to grow, it is important to address these challenges through better urban planning, such as the creation of parks and community spaces.


Пример вопроса:

According to the passage, what is one reason city life can negatively impact mental health?

a) Limited healthcare services
b) Noise pollution
c) Social isolation in rural areas

Правильный ответ: b


Пример 4: Technology and Innovation

The Future of Renewable Energy


Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, are becoming increasingly important as the world seeks to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Solar energy, in particular, has seen tremendous growth due to advances in technology that have made solar panels more efficient and affordable. Wind energy is also gaining popularity, especially in countries with large coastal areas where offshore wind farms can generate significant power. The benefits of renewable energy are clear: it reduces greenhouse gas emissions, decreases air pollution, and creates sustainable jobs. However, there are still challenges, such as the high initial cost of installation and the need for energy storage solutions to address the intermittent nature of renewable sources.


Пример вопроса:

What is one challenge associated with renewable energy mentioned in the passage?
a) Lack of technological advances
b) High initial installation costs
c) Limited job creation

Правильный ответ: b



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