IELTS, сдавайся! - Сдаём письменный IELTS - Уровень General Training - Задание 1

В первом письменном задании IELTS уровня GT вам предстоит написать письмо в ответ на предложенное задание-ситуацию. Письмо может быть формальным, полуформальным или неформальным в зависимости от контекста. В задании будет прописан сценарий, а вам придётся объяснять ситуацию, обращаться с просьбой или предоставлять информацию.


Итак, типов писем 3. Разберём по порядку:


Формальное письмо

  • К этому стилю прибегают, когда пишут тому, кого не знают, либо когда ситуация профессиональная или официальная.
  • Адресуется оно обычно компании, организации или официальному лицу.

Пример задания:


You recently attended a seminar at a local college. However, you are not satisfied with the event because of some problems. Write a letter to the college principal and explain:

  • What the seminar was about
  • What the problems were
  • What you would like the principal to do about it

Пример ответа (Formal Letter):


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with a seminar I attended at your college on October 10th, 2023, which focused on digital marketing strategies. While the topic was informative, I encountered several issues that detracted from the experience.


Firstly, the seminar was poorly organized. The schedule was not followed, with delays in each session. Additionally, the projector equipment malfunctioned multiple times, making it difficult to follow the presentation. Many of the attendees expressed frustration as they were expecting a more professional event.


I kindly request that you review the feedback from the attendees and take steps to ensure that future events are better organized and that all technical equipment is in working order before the seminar begins.


Yours faithfully,
John Smith


Полуформальное письмо

  • Это письмо вы пишите тому, кого знаете, скажем, соседу или коллеге, но при этом поддерживаете определённый уровень профессионализма.
  • Обычно этот стиль подразумевает смешения личного и официального.

Пример задания:


Your neighbor has recently written to you to complain about noise coming from your house. Write a letter to your neighbor. In your letter:

  • Explain the reason for the noise
  • Apologize for the inconvenience
  • Tell your neighbor what steps you will take to reduce the noise

Пример ответа (Semi-Formal Letter):


Dear Mr. Johnson,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to apologize for the noise coming from my house over the past few days. I understand how frustrating this must have been for you, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.


The noise was due to some home renovation work we have been undertaking, which involved drilling and hammering. I had not anticipated that it would be so disruptive to our neighbors. Moving forward, I will ensure that all work is done during the daytime when it is least likely to disturb anyone, and I will ask the workers to keep the noise to a minimum.


Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your patience during this time.


Kind regards,
Emily Davis


Неформальное письмо

  • Такое письмо вы пишите тому, кого знаете лично, т.е. другу или родственнику.
  • Тон письма дружеский и практически разговорный.

Пример задания:


You have recently moved to a new city and are planning to invite a friend to visit. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

  • Describe your new city
  • Explain why you think they should visit
  • Suggest some activities you can do together when they come

Пример ответа (Informal Letter):


Dear Jessie,


I hope you're doing well! I wanted to let you know that I’ve just moved to a new city, and it’s amazing! I’ve settled in here in Brighton, and I think you would love it too.


Brighton has beautiful beaches, lots of great cafes, and a really cool, artistic vibe. There are also plenty of street markets where you can find unique handmade crafts. I think you'd really enjoy exploring the city with me – especially the pier and the seaside walks!


It would be great if you could come visit me soon. We can spend time on the beach, check out the local art galleries, and maybe even have a barbecue in my backyard. Let me know when you're free, and I’ll make sure to clear my schedule!


Take care,



Подводим итог:

  • Формальное письмо: тому, кого вы не знаете или с кем общаетесь по профессиональным вопросам.
  • Полуформальное письмо: тому, кого вы знаете, но держите на определённом расстоянии, вроде коллеги или соседа.
  • Неформальное письмо: близкому другу или родственнику, с которым у вас тёплые отношения.

Каждый из типов писем предполагает определённый тон и структуру (см. выше) в зависимости от отношений между пишущим и получателем и от конкретной ситуации. Старайтесь по возможности сохранять соответствующий язык и стиль. Надеюсь, вы обратили внимание на то, что сокращения – Ill, cant и т.п. – вы можете позволить себе только в неформальном письме.



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